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In the Library

Meeting Room Policy

Pender County Library provides free access to meeting rooms to support the informational, educational, and cultural needs and interests of our community. The Library offers its meeting rooms free of charge for use by individuals, community groups, and organizations engaged in educational, cultural, or civic activities. All meetings and events held in the Library’s meeting rooms must be free and open to the public; private meetings and events are not allowed. The Library shall not discriminate in providing space on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability. Use of the facilities in no way constitutes an endorsement by the Library of any group’s activities or beliefs. All advertisements for events must clearly indicate the identity of the sponsoring organization, and in no way imply the event is sponsored by the library.

Failure to comply with the following rules may result in suspension of use of the room by the individual and/or sponsoring organization.

Financial Restrictions

  • All events and meetings held in the Library’s meeting rooms must be free of charge.
  • The selling of goods and/or services is not allowed. Exceptions to this may be granted for events cosponsored by the library, such as a Friends of the Library fundraiser or an author event where the author’s books are available for purchase.


  • Large meeting rooms (accommodating up to 90 in Burgaw and up to 33 in Hampstead)
    • Groups may reserve large meeting rooms twice at any one time. If you have two bookings, you can make an additional one after the first event has ended.
    • Meeting rooms can be reserved up to 60 days in advance.
    • Groups may have up to three hours per booking.
    • Only approved government affiliates may be allowed standing reservations.
    • All bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Conference rooms (accommodating up to eight people)
    • Groups and individuals may have one booking at a time, one booking per day per location (not per room).
    • Meeting rooms can be reserved up to 60 days in advance.
    • Groups and individuals may have up to three hours per booking.
    • Only approved government affiliates may be allowed standing reservations.
    • All bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Study rooms (accommodating up to four people)
    • Study rooms are not available for booking; they are available on a first-come-first-served basis for walk-in use only.
    • Groups and individuals may use the study rooms once a day for up to three hours.


  • Food and drinks are allowed in the meeting rooms. Please use bottles or cups with lids.
  • The person(s) booking the room and/or signing for the key, if issued, will be liable for cleaning costs for carpets soiled by food or drink spills.
  • Smoking, vaping, and alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the building.

Room Set Up

  • Rooms must be returned to their default arrangement after each use of the meeting rooms. Users of the room are responsible for arranging seating and tables for their own use.
  • Arrive early and arrange seating to meet your needs and allow time afterwards for returning the room to its default arrangement.
  • A projector is available in the meeting rooms; you can check out the remote control during library hours with a valid library card.

Using the Meeting Rooms While the Library is Closed

  • The meeting rooms may be used while the Library is closed but the key must be checked out in advance.
  • The person checking out the key must have a valid library card with borrowing privileges.
  • At the conclusion of use, the meeting room and rest rooms should be checked to see that no one is inside. Lights in the room must be turned off and the building locked securely.

Requests for exceptions, or further interpretation for circumstances not clearly addressed herein, will be referred to the library director who has the authority to make allowances if warranted. The library board is the final authority in any dispute regarding these policies that cannot be negotiated by the library director.

Original adoption by the Pender County Library Advisory Board, date unknown.

Revised and adopted by the Pender County Library Advisory Board, September 13, 2021.

Revised and adopted by the Pender County Library Advisory Board, December 6, 2021.